Kenny Beedy Eyes Smith Wins Blues Music Award 2023

Kenny beedyeyes Smith wins best blues drummer award in 2023

I am deeply humbled and overflowing with gratitude as I take this opportunity to receive the prestigious Living Blues Award. Words fail to capture the magnitude of honor and privilege I feel in my heart.

Winning this esteemed accolade has satisfied me and served as a testament to the unwavering dedication and passion I have poured into my craft. It reminds me of the countless hours I spent honing my skills, overcoming challenges, and making sacrifices along the journey.

To be recognized among the finest in the realm of blues music is a dream come true. The Blues Award symbolizes validation and encouragement, affirming that my artistic endeavors have resonated with others. It reminds me that my voice has found a place within the rich tapestry of blues history alongside the legends who have come before me.

However, this achievement is not mine alone. Behind every triumph lies an incredible support system comprising friends, family, mentors, and fellow musicians who have believed in me. Their unwavering dedication and encouragement have propelled me forward, and I share this honor with them wholeheartedly.